Every student, every day.

Personal Mobile Device and Social Media Use

Personal Mobile Device and Social Media Use Plan

Canyon School: Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools Plan

In compliance with Board Policy 24 Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools and Administrative Procedure 145 Use of Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools, Canyon School  has developed this Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools Plan to govern the appropriate use of personal mobile devices and social media at our school. 

Date: August 29, 2024

School Use  - Specific limited circumstances when personal mobile devices and social media access is approved

  • Students in grades K-6 may not access a personal mobile device or social media during the school day.. 
  • Accommodations/exceptions for student use during instructional time/class time may be granted to support, monitor, or regulate an approved identified health and/or medical reason as per the medical plan or to support an approved identified inclusive educational need (accessibility and accommodation) 
  • During a school-sponsored event or activity with permission of the supervisor.  
  • At the discretion of the school administration. 

Storage - How personal mobile devices will be stored while at school. Location, silent mode or off, etc.

  • Personal mobile devices are valuable electronic devices. Students and staff bring personal mobile devices to school at their own risk. The security and storage of these items is the sole responsibility of the owner and user. The Division assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair or replacement of personal mobile devices. 
  • At Canyon School students will store their personal mobile devices in their backpacks or at the office. Students who store their personal mobile devices at the office may turn them in at the beginning of the day and retrieve them at the end of the day. 
  • Employees are asked to leave cellphones in a secure place unless approved by the school administration for a work-related purpose. 

Social Media - Which social media platforms will be restricted from school networks (the division is working on a list)

The Division has restricted access to the following social media platforms at this time. These are subject to change without notice. Limited student access to social media may be permitted, as determined by school administration. 

Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media Infractions & Parent Notification at Canyon School

School expectations and consequences are published on the school website and the                                Canyon2Go app so that all stakeholders have an awareness. 

Progressive discipline procedures with respect to personal mobile devices are in place. Confiscated devices will be stored at the office. Personal mobile devices are valuable electronic devices. Students and staff bring personal mobile devices to school/work at their own risk. The security and storage of these items is the sole responsibility of the owner and user. The Division assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair or replacement of personal mobile devices notwithstanding confiscation of the device for the purpose of discipline.  

Failure to adhere to the personal mobile device expectations will result in the following consequences. 

1st Offence - the personal mobile device will be confiscated and delivered to the office. The student will be permitted to collect their personal mobile device at the end of the school day. This offense will be recorded in PublicSchool Works. 

2nd Offence - the personal mobile device will be confiscated and will be delivered to the office. The student will be permitted to collect their personal mobile device at the end of the school day. A parent or guardian will be contacted by the office. This offense will be recorded in PublicSchool Works.

3rd Offence - the personal mobile device will be confiscated and will remain in the office until a parent or guardian is available to collect the personal mobile device. A parent or guardian will be contacted by the office. This offense will be recorded in PublicSchool Works.

4th Offence - the personal mobile device will be confiscated and will remain in the office until a parent or guardian is available to collect the personal mobile device. A parent or guardian will be contacted by the office. A parent or guardian will meet with school administration to create a personal plan to assist the student in developing more responsible use. This offense will be recorded in PublicSchool Works.

Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities

Students, parents, and staff will comply with the roles and responsibilities as outlined in this plan, LRSD Administrative Procedure and Board Policy. 

Emergency Situations

In the event of an emergency, our priority is the safety of students. Please be assured that the school has an emergency response plan which is reviewed regularly with staff. This plan includes contact with emergency personnel (fire, police, medical, etc.) as necessary, the possible relocation of students as well as a plan for communication with parents as appropriate. Should an emergency situation occur, the school will provide updates and information to parents as soon as, and as often as, reasonably possible. 

August 29, 2024