Important Safety Information
It was wonderful to see everyone yesterday. There was definitely excitement all around. We are looking forward to settling into our new routines and having a great year of learning. Keeping your child safe at school is a priority. Much planning goes into our safety procedures and we appreciate your efforts to also help keep our school and students safe.
Please find some important safety information below regarding:
The Crosswalk. Please use the crosswalk. There is only one and it is safest to please cross there. This year Ms. Bonertz and Miss McCracken will be organizing our Safety Patrol. There will be students and an adult there to ensure everyone can cross safely. It is not safe to cross at the bus lanes or walk in between the busses. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Playgrounds. Canyon School has two assigned playgrounds, one for each division. The Grade 4-6 playground is the front field and front tarmac. The Kindergarten to Grade 3 playground is the tarmac out back and playground on the hill. Students and parents are asked to drop backpacks at the assigned doors and then head to their playgrounds in the morning. Staff are expecting students to arrive on their assigned playgrounds in the morning and during morning and lunch recess.
Supervision. Morning supervision begins at 8:20am. Please do not send students to school before 8:20am unless there is an accompanying adult with them. Buses are also not to release students until 8:20am. At the end of the day there is supervision by the bus gate unless the last bus arrives. Bus students are to wait by their bus plate to ensure they get on the bus. All other students are to head directly home to check-in with caregivers.
The Parking Lot. The parking lot is closed between 8:20-8:45am and 3:10-3:40pm. There should be no moving vehicles in our parking lot during these times as students are out and about transitioning between school and playground. During these times, we may rope off the parking lot to prevent moving vehicles and appreciate your understanding in our effort to keep children safe.
The Doors. All school doors are kept locked during the school day. When arriving to the school, we ask parents and guests to ring the bell at the front door. Please sign in and sign out when you leave. Thank you.
Fire Drills/Lock Downs. Canyon students will participate in 6 fire drills throughout the year and 2 lock downs. Our community muster point in the event of evacuation is the Community Hall. Should an emergency situation occur, the school with provide updates and information to parents as soon as, and as often as, reasonably possible. Updates will come through School Messenger.
Communication. The school will send out urgent communication via School Messenger. This will come to you as a text, email, and/or phone call. Please ensure your email and phone number is up-to-date in our information system.
We thank you for your cooperation for helping to keep our school safe.
Canyon Administration