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Terry Fox Walk 2024

Canyon School will be participating in this year’s 44th Anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope on September 20th at 12:15pm. This will be a whole school walk with classes walking together. Parents and community members are invited to join us on the walk.

Please help show your support by donating to our school’s online fundraising page.

Fundraising Link: https://schools.terryfox.ca/71612

Thank you for your supporting our school in the fight against cancer and keeping Terry’s dream alive! #terryfoxschoolrun @terryfoxfoundation

You can also send a cash or cheque donation (made out to The Terry Fox Foundation) to the school.  

If anyone would like to order a Terry Fox shirt this year, please let Mrs. Matthews (matthewsc@lrsd.ab.ca) know by Monday, Sept. 9th and she will get them ordered to hopefully be here in time for our walk. They're a really nice navy blue! Shirts ordered through our school count as part of our fundraising amount. Tshirts are $25 for adults, and $20 for kids. Long sleeves are $35.

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