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Booster Society Meeting: Sept. 17th @ 6pm

Canyon's Booster Society is the parent group that is the fundraising arm of the school. Most recently Booster sponsored and organized our Back to School BBQ. Thank you Booster! :)

There is one fundraiser each year (perogies and sausage) and a casino every three years. The next casino is 2026. Booster meets once per month, typically after the School Council meeting. These meetings primarily consist of financial updates and voting where to allocate funds for enhanced student learning such as field trips, Scientists in Schools, resources for classrooms, etc... 

Booster's first meeting is Tuesday, September 17th at 6pm. All parents are welcome and are invited to attend. There will be an AGM as Booster requires (NEEDS) a Secretary and Treasurer to continue to run the Booster Society. Booster provides and amazing amount of financial assistance to support student learning. This helps offset the school operations budget which was significantly reduced 2 years ago. We hope to gain new members and look forward to seeing you there! 

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